
제목 The pleasant experience of beer tasting 작성일 2011-11-28 10:11:30

The pleasant experience of beer tasting

To get ready for a beer tasting, the most important matter is to make sure the beer you choose is fresh, Silive.com reported on October, 20.

The supermarket or corner bodega may be cheap and convenient, but their beers sometimes have been sitting on the shelf or in the refrigerator too long, as indicated by the thin layer of dust collected around the neck of the bottle.

If you choose to select a hoppy beer, which tends to lose its fragrant aroma fairly quickly, time is of the essence. Some craft beers are not pasteurized; others may be bottle-conditioned. Both situations make shelf life more unstable. We suggest going to a reputable beer distributor to purchase your selection, as distributors regularly rotate their stock, giving you a better chance at getting your brew at its peak of freshness. There is nothing that will ruin a tasting more quickly than a beer past its prime.

The second thing to note is the temperature at which you will be consuming the beer. You want to make sure it is not too cold. If the beer is too cold, you will lose all the subtle flavors, aromas and complexities the brewer set out for you to experience.

Finally, you want to select the proper glassware. Most beer styles have their own distinct glasses which are engineered to maximize the drinking experience. In Czech Republic, a bar may have a different beer glass for every beer available (often in the hundreds). To keep it simple, all you really need is a tulip-shaped glass.


On the day of the tasting, set yourself up in a comfortable, well-lit area so that you are able to observe your selection carefully. It is important to make sure your tasting room is free of any strong smells or cooking odors that can distort your perception and alter your judgment. Set out some unsalted crackers and room-temperature water to cleanse your palate between beers. Try to avoid anything with its own distinct flavor, like pretzels or cheese, which can coat the tongue.

It's now time to sample your chosen brew. Pour the beer right down the center of your glass and fill it a quarter to halfway full. Wait a moment for the pour to settle, then pick up the glass, preferably by the stem, and observe what you see. Is the beer cloudy or clear? Is it light in color or dark? Does it have a large, rocky head, or a moderate amount of foam? Notice the color of the head: Is it white or cream-colored?

While still holding the glass, give it a gentle swirl to release some of the aroma. Put the glass under your nose and take a nice deep sniff. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Is the beer citrusy; maybe it smells like pinecones? Is it bready or nutty? Give it another good swirl and smell it again: Do you detect a hint of raisins? Do you smell wildflowers? This is all in the realm of possibility.


Now for the best part: Take a sip of the beer and let it roll over your tongue; you don't want to start gulping it down. Slowly sip and enjoy. What do you taste? Is it bitter? Is it sweet? Does the carbonation lightly stimulate your tongue? Does it have a dry finish? A tart finish? All of this really depends on what you have chosen to sample. But you get the picture.

Want to take it a step further? If you are tasting in a group setting, try this: Sample a beer look, swirl, smell, taste and enjoy and write down your observations of each step along the way. At the end of the session, go around the room and have everyone read what they observed. This is a great exercise because it forces you to be honest.

Much like working out, you have to exercise your beer palate regularly to see results. So, here's an excuse to get together with like-minded friends once a month and put those taste buds to work.